HSC 2021 Special Crash Course

HSC 2021 Special Crash Course is brought by Robi 10 Minute School. They named it “HSC 21 শেষ মূহুর্তের প্রস্তুতি কোর্স

Due to Covid-19, The Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) examination wasn’t held in Bangladesh of 2021 Batch. The Government of Bangladesh reduces the syllabus of the HSC ’21 batch.

Only 3 subjects will be examined and other subjects will be examined by subject mapping of their previous board examination.

A few months ago, 10MS launched HSC Crash Course 2021. About 16K+ students enrolled on this course. The HSC examination of 2021 is knocking at the door.

So, 10MS has brought a new course for the last moment preparation. If you are an HSC 2021 candidate, you can enrol on this course to update your level.

HSC 2021 Special Crash Course

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