HSC 2022 Final Model Test For Science Group is live now. If you are an HSC examinee, you can enroll in this course to justify yourself at the last moment.
The HSC exam is a turning point in a student’s life, and their future careers largely depend on this exam. So, it is high time to upgrade your current level to the next.
Recently, 10 Minute School has launched a course named HSC 2022 Final Model Test For Science Group. The course instructors’ are very well-known teachers in Bangladesh.
HSC 2022 Final Model Test instructors’ are:
- Konok Srabon (Higher Math), BUET
- Emran Mostofa (Physics), BUET
- Sajan Chakraborty (Higher Math), SUST
- Tanmoy Dhar (Physics), Chittagong University
- Khairul Islam Shadhin (Chemistry), DU
- Salat Mahboob Sampad (Bangla), BRAC University

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